State Rep. McNamara plans legislation to ban drug ‘pink’

State Representative Joseph McNamara has announced plans to file legislation against the synthetic opioid, known as “pink.” The drug is about eight times more powerful than heroin and has been blamed for 15 deaths in five states, according to a statement from the Drug Enforcement Administration....

State Representative Joseph McNamara has announced plans to file legislation against the synthetic opioid, known as “pink.” The drug is about eight times more powerful than heroin and has been blamed for 15 deaths in five states, according to a statement from the Drug Enforcement Administration.

Photo by Mackenzie Abernethy

Photo by Mackenzie Abernethy

Representative McNamara says the bill would ban the sale and distribution of the drug before it gains traction in Rhode Island. No deaths have been recorded in the state, but Representative McNamara emphasized the importance of prevention.

 “This is a product we don’t want our kids messing around with,” he said. “There is no doubt in my mind if this becomes readily available it will cost citizens their lives.”

McNamara said the next step will be to craft comprehensive language that covers all possible variations of the drug so that the bill holds up in court.