Home BRU’d Session: Lovesick
A few weeks ago, Home BRU’d was introduced to Lovesick while they were playing a show with The Z-Boys and Cannibal Ramblers. We loved their sound so much that we got them to come into the station to do their very own session for Home BRU’d!...
A few weeks ago, Home BRU’d was introduced to Lovesick while they were playing a show with The Z-Boys and Cannibal Ramblers. We loved their sound so much that we got them to come into the station to do their very own session for Home BRU’d! Manny, Josh, and Nathan of the punk band from Providence came and gave us a live performance of their songs “Hey Mama”, “Feel So Wrong”, and “Partagoo”. If you want to hear more of their edgy rock sound, they have a show on September 23rd at Columbus Theatre. To keep up with the band’s shows and music, follow their bandcamp and Facebook page! To watch their Home BRU’d session, check down below!