Home BRU’d Session: Pixels

Pixels’ music at once lives up to the complexity of their self-described genre, “garage-lo-fi-slacker-punkie-psychedelic-rock,” and the openness of the title of their latest EP, “hello.” One of the songs off this album (and the second track they played for us in the studio), “Soundblaster Sixteen,” is...

Pixels’ music at once lives up to the complexity of their self-described genre, “garage-lo-fi-slacker-punkie-psychedelic-rock,” and the openness of the title of their latest EP, “hello.” One of the songs off this album (and the second track they played for us in the studio), “Soundblaster Sixteen,” is warm, fuzzy, and lo-fi, and the simple lyrics contrast with intriguing layers of harmony and discord. For more, check out their Home BRU’d session below or the band’s website here!